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Perhaps, Perhaps… Quizás – Gabriela Munõz (Mexico)

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21h: Perhaps, Perhaps… Quizás – Gabriela Munõz (Mexico)


Greta represents us, women, today, with our past values in search of human connections, with our romanticism that leads us to dream with something bigger than the earthly everyday reality and inspires us to believe in other people and in ourselves. Greta is also the fragility of our emotions and the vulnerability brought up by the fears that lead us nowadays. Greta lives the duality of madness and sanity, tenderness and repulsion, of hope and despair. GRETA is all of us. All of us are GRETA!
“Perhaps, perhaps, quizás…” is a performance in which a clowness has the illusion of finding ‘the perfect man’ and waits for him, while she experiences the loneliness that her illusion implies, since she herself is so imperfect. While the prison in time and the lack of hope are imminent, our character, Greta, once a week, rehearses for the big day, her wedding day. “Will I get lucky tonight? Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps…”.

Clowness Greta Merengue: Gabriela Munõz
Original Idea and Direction: Gabriela Muñoz
Costume: Valentina Muñoz
Art Director: Gabriela Muñoz and Valentina Muñoz
Original Music: Ernesto Paredano
Graphic Design: Marion Sosa
Photos: Marion Sosa and Pepe Castillo
Video: Marion Sosa
Age rating: 14
Duration: 60 minutes

Contact: gaby@clownmein.com

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